

    • Get Prequalified For A Conventional Loan
    • Have CASH To Work With
    • Wording On The Offer Matters – It Needs To Protect You
    • Know When To Pursue An Inspection And When To Forgo It
    • Contingencies Will Not Work In This Market
    • Be Flexibility On The Close Date
    • And Above All – Have The Mindset To Be Successful

This is a tough market. Inventory is limited, and everything that needs to align to make it to the finish line is moving fast, really fast. Please be assured that it is possible. To ensure that you are set up for success, you need to have a trusted and experienced partner by your side. Let’s start talking!

Price is BIG though there are other factors to consider…



Price is big, but other factors can be even bigger when buying a home in this market…

  1. No appraisal is better than having an appraisal.  Some of this risk can be mitigated if a Buyer offers to pay some (or all) of any gap that might arise
  2. Ca$h is better than financing.  Conventional financing is better than FHA, VA, or RD.
  3. “No inspection” is better than “Subject to inspections.”  Inspections invariably cost money or deals
  4. Not being subject to the sale of another property is a BIG plus

Each offer is different, and there may be other factors to be considered (like for example, last week we adjusted post-closing possession, which made the difference between telling my client “Congratulations” to “Let’s go back to the drawing board”)

I am here to help you through the home buying process.  No doubt it’s frustrating though together, we can get you in that dream house. Give me a call (317) 625-0655

Thinking Outside of the Box

MIBOR released last month’s housing numbers which showed inventory up 13% from the previous month. That’s excellent news as we continue to make dreams come true in this crazy market!

I just put a deal together where the Buyer was afraid to put their house on the market for fear of not finding something suitable.  With inventory at record lows, this was a “very real” situation. We worked together to eliminate some typical sticking points.

Happy to say that everyone is moving forward with Confidence. In times like these, Gotta’ Think Outside The Box to create Win-Win situations!!! Want more details on how this specific deal worked? Email me at

Remember, experience matters in this biz! Your realtor is critical in this process and can help you get creative to get the best property for the best price.  Ready to talk? Call me at 317-625-0655