Posts tagged with "Online Agents"

Sellers Beware of Online Agents – This is a true story!

I have been working with a client for a few months now, searching for a home. As you know, the market is moving pretty fast even in these cold months, so we have been on “high alert” as homes are coming on the market. Finally, one popped up, and within the day, we walked through, and I was writing up an offer. I wish I had the happy ending to share. But unfortunately, that was weeks ago, and we are still waiting for a response.

Most know that the seller’s agent responds back within 24 hours when an offer is made. But for whatever reason, this seller’s agent is on its own timeline. I do wonder if the seller knows about it???

If you know anything about me, is that I follow up. I always call the seller’s agent to let them know an offer is sitting in their inbox. This is also an excellent time to answer any questions they may have. With this particular call, I got his voice mail and left a message. (First RED FLAG 🚩 though I get it. People are busy 🤷)

Another day goes by, which is strange, and I make another phone call. This time, I am pushy and get a “not so friendly” person informing me that the agent I am looking for may not even know there is an offer. This property had a “team,” and it could take up to 5-7 days for a response. (More RED FLAGS 🚩🚩! First, shouldn’t the entire team know the status of an active property? And secondly, 5-7 days to respond to an offer? The seller agreed to this??)

I have to tell you that this property should have been sold weeks ago and would have been if their “online” agent had made them a priority. These online platforms promise a lot (strong cash offer, no showings, free local move, etc.) and prey on people’s emotions without delivering.

The bottom line is that this is bad business, affecting everyone involved – the seller, the buyer, the agents. I hope you never get into this type of mess (either buying/selling) though if you do, be sure you have the right person in your corner. Putting you first!