Market News

OCT 2021 | Market Insights Report

MIBOR just released October numbers for the Central Indiana housing market.  Key takeaways are:

Has the market topped?  Or paused?  We probably need a couple more months of data to know that one way or another.  But one thing is for certain, the panic that ruled the market earlier this year left the market over the course of the past four months.  It is just not there.  That is a good thing, a positive step towards a healthier and more balanced market.  So Buyers who got frustrated and put their plans on the shelf may want to dust them off!  If you fall into this category, I am a phone call away!

Click here for the Full MIBOR Report

Local Market Review – September 2021

The September numbers are in for the Central Indiana real market.  As I’ve been saying, the panic has gone out of the market.  The market has not gone soft, but there is an easing off the gas pedal.  That’s good for all concerned, as a little balance would make the market healthy.



Prices were up 13% from a year ago, but just ½% up from the previous month.  (Foot coming off the gas pedal…)

Sales were down 2% AND New Listings were down 8% from a year ago— making inventory just 2,646 homes for sale.  That’s down 17% from last year this time.  But the available inventory per buyer has started creeping up some, making it so buyers have much better odds of landing a deal on a new home (than they did last Spring).  That makes NOW a much better time for buyers to be out home shopping.

If you want to see what’s specifically happening in your county, call me at (317) 625-0655 or email me at

Below is a snapshot of what’s happening in Marion County. Let’s make your house dreams come true in 2021!


Provide Education on Today’s Market

In a “Seller’s Market,” Real Estate Agents are more valuable than ever when it comes to helping Buyers make the best choice and find the right deal on their dream home.   

Your Agent should help Provide Education on Today’s Market.  Your Agent should be a teacher at heart – helping you understand the strategies needed when inventory is low and buyer demand is high.

So How Do We Help Our Clients :

This is excellent news for those Buyers that have been extremely frustrated with Today’s Market. For months, they have been walking through more houses than they wanted to and writing multiple offers just to have them declined and start the process all over again.

Let me tell you that TODAY IS DIFFERENT. The Market started slowing with the July 4th holiday and then slowed further when school started.  Fewer shoppers, fewer offers, fewer crazy offers.  Which means to you that your odds of winning have just gone up by a very large percentage— IF you are back actively looking.

Give me a call (317) 625-0655 and let us show you how We work harder to make good things happen!